Product Info
Introduction to First Nations Ministry: Centre for Pentecostal Theology Native North American Contextual Movement Series
The Honour Drum is a uniquely envisioned and crafted project shared between two Canadian friends–an Indigenous woman from the West Coast and a non-Indigenous man from Ontario–to reach children, families and classrooms across Canada and around the world with a message of great beauty and truth that should not be ignored. This vibrant book is an important starting place for learning and insight that is vital and, for many people of all ages, overdue. The Honour Drum is a love letter to the Indigenous people of Canada and a humble bow to Indigenous cultures around the world.
This CD is Native American INDIGENOUS songs, music and instruments with Cheryl Bear, from the Dakelh First Nation from Northern British Columbia, Canada.
The newest CD by Cheryl Bear is called A’ Ba. A’ BA means Father in a few Native languages. This CD is about prayer, purification and pain. It tells honest stories and has many drum songs.
Cheryl Bear’s The Good Road CD is a beautiful story of the Native American people within 10 songs. She tells the story of her people, Nadleh Whut’en First Nation from northern Canada.