Thoughts and Insights

Journey Of Reconciliation: We can be better together.

Journey Of Reconciliation WE CAN BE BETTER TOGETHER. WHAT ARE THE FIRST STEPS? BY CHERYL BEAR i When I was a little girl, there were signs in the largest town near my village that said, "No Indians Allowed." Canada certainly has come a long way in my lifetime – but we...

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Kolbe Times Conversation with Cheryl Bear

A recent interview sharing my journey and my songs. Kolbe Times Conversation with Cheryl Bear Kolbe Times recently had a chance to catch up with Cheryl, and learn more about her life, her faith, and her passion for her people. Kolbe Times: Tell us a little about your...

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We’re Different…..And that’s OK

We’re Different…..And that’s OK

Typically, the history of Canada starts with the immigrant story. However, this is a one-sided story that has been told many times.  The Indigenous story is quite a different story. Our story starts with Creator. Indigenous peoples have been in North American since...

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